the damn salon

Archive for March, 2011|Monthly archive page

Urban Twists Go Corporate

In Cosmetics, Damn Musique, Fashion, Natural Hair, The Damn Salon on March 27, 2011 at 1:46 am

Who the hell said Natural could not be corporate.

A Taste of Damn goes to Charlotte #naturalhair

In Cosmetics, Fashion, Natural Hair, The Damn Salon on March 23, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Charlotte was absolutely FanTASIC! & such a success! WE met & damned some great ladies who have all decided to rent a van or minibus and make a girls trip to the damn salon atlanta for their next appointment! Seriously, the stylists even forgot we were working! We had so much fun and so much laughs it felt like a damn vacation. Some people even shed tears. One of our clients cried as she told us and everyone else in the room just how deep our customer service was and how she had never in her life experienced such genuine customer service and had such a GREAT salon experience. It was truly AMAZING! My fatigue, my pain, the cramp in my back, my growling stomach and my aching feet from standing all day, ALL became worth it at that very moment. One of our clients went into the elevator right after her hair was done and literally got attacked by like 10 men, telling her how beautiful she was with that gorgeous hair. Another client who said she usually hates women, now made 6 new friends that were just like her. When the hairs were done, the ladies walks changed. I swear. Backs became straighter. Heads were held higher. Attitudes were slightly enhanced. Okay… very much enhanced. It was just beautiful. So beautiful and so deeply needed, as these women told us, that we are really thinking of touring A TASTE OF DAMN! We think DC maybe our next stop. But its juts a thought for now ladies! Don’t get too excited!… or maybe you should. Roooaaarr.

If You Don’t Feel Sexy, its Your Own Damn Fault.

In Cosmetics, Damn Musique, Fashion, Natural Hair, The Damn Salon on March 10, 2011 at 3:11 am

If you don’t feel sexy right now, well you need to take a trip to the damn salon because we know how to turn the boring, the out of shape, the not so blessed, the especially special, the low self esteemed, the traumatised, the nobody gives me any attention and every one else in between….. into the sexiest thing since, well, the last damn client. Seriously, I am just being honest.

I can sit here and tell you all kinds of nonsense about how beauty starts from within and blah blah blah, but you know what? Sometimes it does not. Sometimes it starts with a comb, a brush and and a damn good hair do.

And let me me tell you women something that you already know but forget all too easily. Your man does not want to come home to a women with a haute mess of a hair do and his dirty jogging pants that have paint stains on it. He goes to work everyday and sees women around him dressed their sharpest. Therefore, you need to work before Susan, that ‘I don’t give damn if your married no good whore’, works him.

Take care of your self, surprise him when least expected with a new lip gloss, sexy attire, or hell… no attire at all and a damn haute hair do. (Such as can be acquired at the damn salon). Even men who are deeply in love cheat. Why? Well because for a man, there is nothing like the excitement of a new “apple”. And by “apple” you know what the hell I mean. So ladies, just when your man thinks you’re a granny smith, turn around and be a macintosh. And when he thinks he has figured out the macintosh in you, turn red delicious on him… and then rome, and then Golden Delicious, and then Gravenstein and then winsap apple. Just keep them coming… or shall I say… keep him coming.

Okay. That amused me.

The moral of the story is come to the damn salon and let us ignite the hidden apples in you. (Yes, you’re damn straight this is an advertisement.) Stay Haute. Stay Sexy. Stay Damn.


Founder & Creative Director

Darryka on FB asked me “are city twists swimmer friendly?”

In Uncategorized on March 6, 2011 at 4:46 am

“are the city twists swimmer friendly?” … have no idea…. the city twists are every Damn thing friendly. They are even sex friendly. You know how girls with weave cannot really have their husbands and boyfriends (in some cases both) touch their hair…. well, with city twists he can stroke, rub, pull, yank, bite (who the hell wants to bite hair though) and everything else in between. …. and when all is said and done and you have both recieved your high… you get up and you’re still haute and sexy.
RoarRRRRRRR…. and back at it again. dont hurt yourselves now. Then again…a little pain is always nice.

Okay how the hell did i just come this far from the simple question of “are city twists swimmer friendly?”

Take 2:

Yes Darryka, they are.